Summer courses

We are committed to our mission of equipping men and women for Spirit-empowered ministry and our summer courses are one more way we accomplish it. For many, summer provides extra margin in the schedule that enables opportunities for growth and enrichment. We have selected an offering of courses that would benefit leaders, students and believers committed to lifelong learning. We pray our summer students would grow in Christ-likeness even as they grow in knowledge.

Applications for summer are simple and our team is ready to assist you through the process. Reach out today to get growing.

Invest in lifelong learning.

Summer Courses

Registration is now open for summer. Apply today to participate in one of these great offerings..


BIB 192 Biblical interpretation

Kerry Pretty
August 19-29, Tuesday to Friday

This course introduces the tools and methods for Bible research, teaching students to draw from Scripture in order to minister to others. The student will gain specific principles, methodical guidelines, and skills training for in-depth study and interpretation of the Bible.

CNS 240 Abnormal Psychology

Suvarna Bolledula
May 6-May 16, Monday to Friday

This course provides an overview of current conceptions of psychological dysfunction faced by mental health professionals. Primary focus will be directed towards the symptoms, causality, and treatment of psychopathology and behavioral problems.

CNS 245 Brain and Behaviour

Deneen Holder
July 17-27, Monday to Friday

This course seeks to introduce students to the core concepts of behavioral neuroscience in an accessible, applicable, and possibly even faith-inspiring way. We will look at the wonders of brain structures and functions that respond to experiences and generate sensations, thoughts, feelings, and behavior. We will also explore implications for understanding how people are biologically wired to learn and grow, and applications for helping people more effectively as counsellors and ministers.

Prerequisites: CNS 110/GEN 171.

CNS 331 Personality Theories

Brandon Bate
June 17-27, Monday to Friday

This course is intended to provide participants with a broad base of knowledge of the major theories of personality, and how these theories can aid in understanding individual differences and diversity in human behavior. Through discussions of the textbook and supplementary readings, as well as interacting with several personality inventories, we will explore implications of the course material for self-discovery and development as professional helpers and as Christian disciples. We will also consider how the theories may inform or challenge our understanding of God’s plan for diversity in human beings who are each uniquely “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14-15) created in the image of God to walk alongside one another as “One Body, Many Parts” (1 Corinthians 12).

Prerequisites: CNS 110/GEN 171.

THS 101 Survey of Christian Beliefs

Jeff Schroeder
August 5 to 12, Tuesday to Friday

This course introduces students to the basic concept of worldviews and the importance of understanding a Christian worldview. The basic Christian beliefs that form the basis of a Christian view of the world are then surveyed according to standard theological categories.

Christian Counselling Courses

CNS 305 Trauma and Crisis Counselling

Christine Lee
May 20 to 30, Monday to Friday

This course provides an overview of multi-system level definitions, diagnosis, effects and treatment of traumatic stress and trauma experienced from a multi-system perspective. It presents and explores important considerations for a trauma-informed approach to counselling in professional, ministry, social services, and other relevant contexts. It will also seek to equip students with a broad scope of understanding grief and loss, and various techniques and therapeutic procedures used in brief therapy crisis intervention counselling.

Prerequisites: CNS 101, 221, 245.

CNS 351 Addictions Counselling

Dan Bue
June 3 to 13

This course is designed to assist the student in understanding of addiction treatment. It will examine addiction from the behavioural, pharmacological, historical, social, legal, and clinical perspectives. Students will explore treatment modalities from various perspectives, including a Christian perspective working alongside secular agencies.

Prerequisites: CNS 101, 221, 245.


Applications Open    Now
Enrolment Open    March 1
Semester Begins    April 29

Apply Now

Fill out our online application today to ensure your spot in our upcoming classes. In the application, select ‘SUMMER COURSES’ from the drop down menu. This form is a simplified version made available exclusively for Summer Courses. If you wish to transfer to another program please contact our Admissions Team.

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