Minor Prophets

3 Credit Hours

Course Description

This course is a survey of the Minor Prophets in the Old Testament that considers the prophetic ministries in Old Testament pre-exilic, exilic, and post-exilic Israel, an overview of the key themes of these books, and an exposition of specific touchstone passages, with a focus on those that have messianic or eschatological significance.

Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes

Depending on the student’s effort and mastery of the subject, it is expected that by the end of this course, they would be able to:

1. Know the content of the collection called the Minor Prophets in significant detail;
2. Know how to read and interpret the prophets;
3. Know and appreciate the importance the Minor Prophets play for understanding the character of God and God’s relationship with God’s people;
4. Know and appreciate the history, background, transmission, and interpretation of the text of the Minor Prophets;
5. Understand the historical, cultural, religious, and political setting of the Minor Prophets;
6. Understand how scholars study the Minor Prophets and what the latest scholarly discussions are;
7. Understand how to read the Minor Prophets Christologically;
8. Understand how to connect the Minor Prophets to our modern world;
9. Confidently and successfully participate in subsequent biblical studies courses.

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