Biblical Interpretation

3 Credit Hours

Course Description

This course introduces the tools and methods for Bible research, teaching students to draw from Scripture in order to minister to others. The student will gain specific principles, methodical guidelines, and skills training for indepth study and interpretation of the Bible.

Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes 

As a result of taking this course students should:

1. Understand and begin to implement the different methods for studying any passage of Scripture in a way that is faithful to the original intended meaning and appropriate for the modern context.
2. Understand and use a variety of tools and resources (print and/or electronic) for more profitable Bible study.
3. Understand the “reader response” and “authorial intent” approaches to biblical interpretation and the concept of different levels of meaning.
4. Be able to explain the role of the Holy Spirit in Biblical Interpretation.
5. Understand the history of our English Bible and be able to explain the differences in modern translations.
6. Be able to research and write an exegetical paper

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