What is a Micro Campus?
We recognize the need for theological and ministry training for those who are not able to attend on-campus learning. We recognize the value of partnering with the local church by providing theological and ministry training for those desiring theological education while remaining connected to their local church and ministry setting. We recognize the need to offer a variety of access points for students who desire to study.
The Solution: In light of technological opportunities and cultural trends, we recognize the imperative need to enhance our service to the church by expanding our venues of high quality educational delivery systems. By utilizing the technology available, we desire to offer high quality education to students everywhere.
All courses are 15 weeks long, of which 12 weeks require a class gathering with a 90-minute recorded video provided by PLBC. These videos include lectures from our professors, and discussion time where students work through the content in groups. Students taking the courses for credit complete assignments and exams in addition to the weekly video class. All assignments are given feedback and marked by PLBC faculty.
Being a PLBC Micro Campus Partner, you will be able to offer intentional internships that focus on leadership training and theological education. You will be able to develop the next generation of leaders on-site, keeping them involved in ministry, while also ensuring they are receiving accredited theological education. This is a great opportunity to equip your leaders, while keeping them involved in on-site ministry.
Meet our Micro Campus Team

Our Convictions
We believe in the critical importance of raising up the next generation of Christian leaders in the church and in the marketplace.
We believe that geography should not stop men and women from getting the education they need to fulfill the purpose that God has placed on their lives.
We believe in the power of the local church and we also believe that the best training for ministry happens when intentional service in the local church is partnered with rigorous theological education.
Our desire is to make ministry and leadership training available to men and women EVERYWHERE, whether one is in a rural community in Canada, a large city in America, or a village in Uganda.
Micro Campus FAQ
What is a Micro-Campus PARTNERSHIP?
A Micro Campus Partnership with PLBC allows church-based internship, discipleship, or leadership training programs to offer PLBC courses for credit as part of their program.
How does it work?
Micro Campus Partnerships merge the best of what PLBC does well (teaching great content with high quality assessment for credit), with what local churches and ministries do best (on-site leadership training).
How are the Micro Campus courses structured?
All courses are 15 weeks long, of which 12 weeks require a class gathering with a recorded video provided by PLBC. The local program director uses the class time for the other three weeks at their discretion. Students taking the courses for credit complete assignments and exams in addition to the weekly video class. All assignments are given feedback and marked by PLBC faculty.
What courses are available?
- Old Testament Survey
- New Testament Survey
- Understanding the Bible
- The Reconciling Mission of God
- Life and Ministry in the Holy Spirit
- Survey of Christian Beliefs
How is the program delivered?
Courses are streamed online, which is also where students find their assignments and course instructions.
What kind of STUDENT SUPPORT is available?
PLBC offers a variety of student support options, from enrolment assistance, to program advising for degree completion. Specifically, a PLBC faculty member is assigned to each Micro-Campus course and is available to answer any questions pertaining to the course to aid the student toward successful completion. The Student Support Office is also accessible to Micro-Campus students to assist them in their academic journey.
Can students receive credit for their internship too?
Yes. Students can receive up to 9 credits for the part of the internship or discipleship program that is delivered by the local ministry in addition to the credits received for taking the PLBC courses.
Who does what?
Coordinator – The local ministry provides the MicroCampus Coordinator, who is PLBC’s primary on-site contact, and provides direct student support in enrolling students. The coordinator typically has a Bachelor’s degree, as well as experience working with young adults. The Coordinator may or may not be the director of the internship program.
Director – Most programs have a director who oversees the internship or discipleship program, represents the program to the church, and recruits students. Often one person fills both coordinator and director roles.
PLBC Staff – PLBC staff take care of the enrollment process (admissions, advising students on what classes to take, and registering them in classes), as well as academic and administrative support throughout the year. That leaves our partners free to build supportive relationships and focus on leadership internship training.
Can PLBC help us launch an internship program?
Yes. We have resources and expertise to share, at no cost to you.
What kinds of students can participate?
Church-based discipleship and intern programs can set their own admissions requirements. However, participants in those programs that also want to take PLBC courses for credit must meet PLBC’s admission requirements.
What do PLBC Micro-Campus course cost?
Course tuition – $325 per course, which is more than a 50% discount when student fees are factored. Tuition is paid to the internship organization, which then directs funds to PLBC.
Program Fee – The church or ministry can charge what they like for their program. The cost for PLBC tuition can be included or additional to that amount.
Financial Aid – Micro Campus students might be eligible to receive federal financial aid (grants and loans) for tuition costs if they meet the requirements.
Can a site host a live instructor?
Yes. On occasion, a PLBC faculty member will be available to teach a live course on-site. PLBC could also grant credit for a course taught by a non-PLBC instructor:
If the instructor has academic credentials (a master’s degree or higher) in the subject area of instruction and is pre-approved by PLBC
If the instructor uses a PLBC approved syllabus
If the host site bears the costs for the instructor
If we are interested, what are the Next Steps?
Call us – Give us a call if you want to be a PLBC Micro Campus, or if you have more questions and we can set up an informational meeting.
Informational Meeting – This meeting can be face-to-face or by video conference and allows us get to know each other. Potential partners have a chance to ask questions about becoming a Micro-Campus partner.
We will work through an official application checklist, and seek to involve the Senior Pastor so he or she can discuss the program, and its possibilities, with the Director of Distributed Education.
Dean’s Approval – Our team then recommends you as a Micro Campus Partner to the Dean of the college. Upon approval, the Dean issues a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlining the Micro Campus Partnership agreement.
Return the MOU – Once you return the MOU, signed by your Senior Pastor and a board member, the partnership is official. It’s time to set up your program and to get potential students applying to your internship and PLBC courses.
Have Potential Students Apply – Have potential students apply as soon as possible at pacificlife.edu. Click “APPLY NOW” and select Micro Campus as your program.
The Outcome
Being a PLBC Micro Campus Partner, you will be able to offer intentional internships that focus on leadership training and theological education. You will be able to develop the next generation of leaders on-site, keeping them involved in ministry, while also ensuring they are receiving accredited theological education. This is a great opportunity to equip your leaders, while keeping them involved in on-site ministry.
- Contact us and let us know you’re interested. We’ll then send you the full application.
- Once we receive your completed application it goes through an internal approval process.
- Once approved, Pacific Life Bible College with sign a Memorandum Of Understanding with your organization.
- Next you tell us the courses you would like to run and we’ll get the academic administration sorted for you.
- Get students to register for your new Micro Campus.
- Run the courses you selected.
- We send you an invoice.