

Sep 6, 2024Children's DirectorRichmond Alliance ChurchRichmond https://www.richmondalliancechurch.com/news/seeking-a-childrens-ministry-director
Sep 16, 24Church & Family Ministry coordinatorRiverdale Baptist Church Whitehorse Yukon30 hrs a wk (part-time), oversee family ministries, equipping/supporting parents, leadership to our children and youth. Also provide administrative support to pastoral staff and deacons. moderator@rbchurch.ca
Oct 1, 2024Youth DirectorTenth Church VancouverPart-time(12hr/wk), leading youth programming Dan Matheson dan@tenth.ca
Oct 17, 2024Executive DirectorCamp NutimikManitobaExecutive Director will develop and implement an operational calendar, help create and manage the annual budget, identify major milestones, assist in hiring and training of seasonal staff, assist in select of camp curriculum, oversee the development of all content/materials for camps, and draft schedules including roles/responsibilities for each week of camp.searchcommittee@campnutimik.com.
Nov 8, 2024Director of Outreach First Baptist ChurchLloydminster, Saskatchewan Full-time, Will be responsible for the development and oversight of both FBC outreach initiatives as well as the PBC summer camp, recruitment, leadership training and development. Deadline: Jan 31, 2025
Dec 31, 2024Youth PastorRenew ChurchSurrey40 hrs a week, $25 starting wage, developing and overseeing jr/sr high ministry, volunteer recruitment, trainingdustin@renew-church.ca
Jan 15, 2025Children's ministry pastorHorizon ChurchsurreySupporting families, recruiting and equipping volunteers, overseeing programs and events. resume/cover letter to Daniel Eliason
Jan 21,2025Next Gen DirectorCascades ChurchVancouverNext Gen Director who will lead Cascade Kids and develop a plan for disciplining the next generation in the way of Jesus. https://cascadeschurch.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Next-Gen-Director-Job-Description-2024.pdf
Send resume to hello@cascadeschurch.ca
Jan 31, 2025Youth Worker InternSurrey Christian AllianceSurreyPart-time to start, possibly leading to full-time. Develop and oversee youth ministries, creating programs, discipling students from middle school to young adults. More information: www.scac-en.com

send resume to: contact@scac-church.org
Feb 13, 2025Lead pastor/equipperCityLights ChurchBurnabyFull-time,
Spiritual leadership, team leadership, vision casting, community engagement, Preaching and teaching and Pastoral care.
send cover letter and resume to: Nika@citylightschurch.ca
Feb 13, 2025Lifeguard, canteen coordinator, kitchen coordinator, boat driver, Daybreak Point Bible CampAnvil Island The positions are all seasonal.https://www.anvilisland.ca/join-our-2025-summer-staff-team/
Feb 14, 2025 Kids Ministry DirectorWillingdon Church Coquitlam Part-time, The Director of Austin Heights Kids will lead a healthy Christ-centred kids ministry focused on creating a fun and engaging environment where the Scriptures are appropriately taught, where children engage in a community of their peers, where parents are supported in the discipleship of their children, and where volunteer leaders are equipped to provide care through ongoing discipleship.
send cover letter and resume to hrapply@willingdon.org
Feb 18, 2025Youth PastorRenew ChurchSurreyFull-time, $25/hr, This position will lead discipleship to Grade 7-12 youth. Responsibilities are to develop and oversee Jr and Sr high ministries, volunteer recruitment, training, mentoring of youth etc. Please send resume and at least 3 references to: dustin@renew-church.ca
Feb 19, 2025PastorClairmont Community ChurchClairmont, AlbertaFull-time, minimum 5 yrs experience, with Bible College or seminary training. Send cover letter, resume and references to hiring@clairmontcommunitychurch.com
Feb 26, 2025Worship InternshipMaple Ridge Alliance ChurchMaple RidgeCanada Summer Job, 8-16 wks, 30-35 hrs a wks, $19.40 per hr, start date: may/June, participate or lead worship, assist w/planning and shaping services, assist w/youth band etcemail cover letter and resume to: kyle@mralliance.ca
March 10, 2025Associate PastorChrist City ChurchVancouverFull-time, work alongside the lead pastor, preaching, pastoral care, community groups etcSend cover letter and resume to: jon@christcitychurch.ca
March 10, 2025Administrative Assistant Christ City ChurchVancouverpart-time contract (10 hrs per week), coordinate with service teams for Sunday services, manage church calendar and event schedule, etcsend cover letter and resume to: tessa@christcitychurch.ca
March 11, 2025Lead PastorLakeside Heights Baptist ChurchPointe Claire, Quebec4 days a wk, preaching and teaching: prepare and deliver biblically sound sermons, lead Bible studies, prayer meetings, review and approve Christian education for Sunday school, provide spiritual counselling etc. take a look at their website: www.lakesideheights.org. Send resume and sermon video to Sherri at: sherri.mcleod61@gmail.com
March 12, 2025Children's PastorNorthstar ChurchQuesnelPart-time 15-40 hrs per wk, someone who will plan, recruit and work closely with Parents and kids church teachers. Work with lead pastor and other staff and ministry within the church. https://www.northstarchurch.ca/pages/careers

send resume and cover letter to: john@northstarchurch.ca
March 13, 2025Next Gen PastorGateway Foursquare ChurchCampbell River40 hrs a wk (flexible based on ministry needs), lead, plan and oversee all middle/high school ministry gatherings, recruit.train adult/yoth volunteers, prepare and teach engaging bible lessons, collaborating w/church staff to support the mission of gateway. send resume and cover letter to: daniel@gatewayfoursquare.ca
March 26, 25Youth WorkerVCAC Knight Street ChurchVancouver Part-time role leading the Sunday teens program and Friday fellowship, overseeing youth ministries, fostering discipleship, and creating programs for grades 7-12hiring@vcac.ca